Net average salary gain in Romania inches to lei 1,359 in September, statistics show


The net average salary gain added 0.8 percent in September over the previous month, to 1,359 lei, following the granting of occasional bonuses, additional amounts of money and also on larger production, the country\'s statistics body INS announced.

The net average salary had fell by 3 percent in August over July, to 1,348 lei.

The annual growing rate tempered to 4.9 percent in September, from 5.6 percent in August, slightly below the annual index of consumer prices, which was of 4.94 percent in September.

The gross average salary amounted to 1,860 lei in the ninth month this year, 0.8 percent above the one in the previous month. The purchasing power was 23.2 percent bigger in September 2009 compared to October 1990. 

The largest net salaries were paid in September for activities in the extractive industry (3,600 lei or 849 euros) and the smaller ones were recorded in the textile industry (788 lei, 186 euros). 

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