Public debate on energy restructuring in Romania could be extended until the end of July

foto: NewsIN

The public debate on the restructuring of Romania's power sector could be prolonged unti the end of July or the beginning of August, declared the Economy Minister Adriean Videanu.

Talks with the operators, labor unions and employers' unions on the power sector restructuring were not finalized until July 15, the initial deadline.

“We will extend the public debate with the main private players on the market, E.ON, Enel, CEZ. This week we will with the operators and we will continue talks with the unions in the energy sector,” said Videanu. 

Romania's main electricity suppliers have pointed out that if state-owned supplier Electrica is included in the two companies created through the restructuring of the power system, the market could be disturbed, paving the way to unfair competition. 

Electrica would be divided into two distinct branches and each would be included in one of the two companies.

The fears concerning this action were expressed by E.ON, Enel, CEZ and Gas de France, whose officials met today with the economy minister. A new meeting will be held on July 15.

The first company will comprise the energy complexes in southern Oltenia (Turceni, Rovinari and Craiova), the two units of the plant in Cernavoda (belonging to Nuclearelectrica), the National Company of Lignite Oltenia (SNLO), part of Electrica, and two units of Hidroelectrica, SH Valcea and SH Slatina. 

The second company will include: ELCEN, CTE Deva and Paroseni (belonging to Termoelectrica), Portile de Fier, the rest of Hidroelectrica, CNH, Romgaz and the rest of Electrica.

CNH and Termoelectrica are the single companies with debts in the new structure. 

The two companies resulting from the restructuring will be listed on the stock market, with a percentage to be established later on. Fondul Proprietatea will become a shareholder as well. 

The Economy Ministry will be the majority shareholder of the two companies and will play a part in appointing the management. 

Videanu previously announced they would be functional by the end of the year. One company would chew on 48 percent of the market and the other on 44 percent.

Mai multe articole despre:
Adriean Videanu Economy Ministry