IMF to send Romania the next installments from the external loan, finance minister deems

foto: NewsIN

Romania's Finance Minister, Gheorghe Pogea, declared the state has enough financial resources to pay the salaries and the pensions, and that there are no reasons for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to refuse paying the next two installments within the contracted loan.

Pogea mentioned Romania respected its commitments agreed with IMF, so the Fund has no reasons to block the payment of the next installments.

The minister said the installments in September and December amount to 1.788 billion euros and that the money will be used to finance the consolidated budget gap. 

Pogea also mentioned the money from the external loan will not be used to pay the salaries in the public sector as Romania has enough resources to pay the salaries and the pensions. 

Romania clinched a deal with IMF, the European Commission, the World Bank and other financial institutions over a 20 billion euro external loan to help restart engines behind the economy.