Romania's government endorses decentralization strategies in sports and health, sets up local police


The Cabinet approved the decentralization strategy in health and sports and decided to create the local police, while in the next ten days it will tackle the strategies for education, agriculture, culture and labor, prime minister Emil Boc said.

The decentralization process keeps the state in the control position over the fields to be decentralized, Boc said, stressing the central authorities will surveillance that the same standards are applied everywhere countrywide.

Local authorities will gain more power in the decision making process in order to better solve the problems people in each community are facing, Boc said after the extraordinary government meeting today.

The decentralization process in the health system will start with September 1 and financially speaking from January 1, next year.

As for the local police it will have attributions in ensuring public order, environment protection and traffic problems, according to the interior minister Dan Nica. The national police will monitor traffic on national roads and highways.

The community police will be integrated in the local one, subordinated to mayors. The newly-set up police will be supported by the national one which will detach people in charge of training staff. The uniform will be presented next week, the minister said.

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Emil Boc