Romania receives EUR 10.9m this year for Lifeplus projects


Romania has been allotted a 10.9 million euro budget for projects belonging to the European environment program Life+, almost 2 million euros more than last year, declared the project coordinator with the Environment Ministry, Nicoleta Dobre.

Romania submitted last year nine environment projects for this program, all of which passed the European Commission's selection and analysis processes. However, some of them might receive a financing smaller than 50 percent, as their cumulated value is higher than last year's allotment of 9 million euros.

The EC's Life+ grant for all member states amounts to 250 million euros this year, while the 2007-2013 budget stands at 2.1 billion euros.

The Union can offer 50 percent of the projects' value at the most, the rest being supported by the beneficiary.The Romanian Environment Ministry will meet all beneficiaries on July 2 to inform them on the division of the funds and the program in general.

Those interested in starting a Life+ project can use last year's Financing Guide, as the modifications made this year will be less significant.
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