Gas price in Romania stays the same starting with April 1, market watchdog ANRE says

foto: NewsIN

The price of natural gas delivered to Romania's population will be left unchanged starting with April 1, according to the head of the power market regulator ANRE, Petru Lificiu.

ANRE will look for solutions to halt the growth of prices and analyze fixed costs with gas production, transportation, distribution and supplying, he told The Money Channel on March 10.

Also, costs of companies in the field which ask for gas price hikes will be monitored and controlled, Lificiu said then. There are companies on this niche which hide the way money is spent on maintenance works instead of development, he added.

The gas price was lastly increased on July 1, when it advanced by 12.5 percent for Distrigaz Sud clients and by 11.6 percent for E.ON Gaz Romania clients.

Romania faced a gas crisis at the beginning of the year when it had to do without Russian imported gas for two weeks, following a conflict with Ukraine over the shipping price.

Russia's Gazprom cut off gas supplies which transit Ukraine on January 1. Then, the flow of Russian gas through Romania's Isaccea unit was halted on January 6 and that through the Mediesu Aurit unit was paused on January 7.

Romanian authorities redirected gas supplies of large industrial plants to domestic consumers. Most of the biggest industrial consumers were shut down before the gas crisis started owing to shrinking demand caused by the financial crisis.

Moreover, state reserves were used to provide natural gas to people and authorities pledged Romanians will suffer no effects from this crisis. A few power companies joined in to help agreeing to either provide more gas or import more. Also, the local heating electrical thermal plants CET stopped running on gas to help save it and used black oil. 

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România ANRE Petru Lificiu