Costi Rogozanu: Michael Moore şi supereroul Obama


Moore scrie o scrisoare de felicitare presedintelui pentru nesperatul curaj de a-l concedia pe şeful de la General Motors.

I simply can’t believe it. This stunning, unprecedented action has left me speechless for the past two days. I keep saying, “Did Obama really fire the chairman of General Motors? The wealthiest and most powerful corporation of the 20th century? Can he do that? Really? Well, damn! What else can he do?!”

Stiu, omul sufera de grava distorsionare prin patetism. La mine altul e catharsisul cind mai citesc cite un text din asta. Ca pot vedea atitudini simple, angajate,  in care intoxicarea, daca exista, e una conventionala, retorica.


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preşedinte General Motors Michael Moore