Traian Basescu: Job cuts in Education will target pensioners and substitutes

The president urged that the curriculum reform should be made/FOTO: NEWSIN

Romanian president Traian Basescu said on Tuesday in a tv show that the Government`s decision to cut 15.000 jobs in the education system targets substitute and retired teachers who continue to work.

\"The job cuts are part of the state reform and like any reform it implies some costs. This 15.000 job cut  is the result of the financing system\", said the president who added that this process should not be regarded with fear, because there will not be so many unemployed people this year.

The president warned that this is only the beginning of the reform which will continue with the reform of the curriculum. The president also accused that there is some kind of agreement between the unions and some politicians, a phenomenon which stops the reform in this sector.

The government passed an emergency decree last week to cut the number of jobs in the education system by 10% in 2010 compared to 2004.



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Traian Băsescu jobs