Thousands of public employees to break out next week unhappy with the salary cut measure


About 15,000 teachers, healthcare workers and public servants in Romania will start protests next week in front of local administration offices, discontented with the government’s decision to reduce public salaries, head of one of the unions SNFP told NewsIn.

Those affected by the Cabinet’s measure will protest from 11 to 1 p.m. in front of the local offices of the two ruling parties, the Liberal Democrat one and the Social Democrat Party.

At least 400 people will picket each of these offices, the head of the Public Servants’ Union (SNFP), Sebastian Oprescu said.

Unions are set to refuse any cut of salaries in the public system and will accept the most the reducing of some bonuses, the vice president of Cartel Alfa union, Octavian Luca said. He accused the government of suspending some of the salary rights before meeting with the unions.

Spending with salaries of ministries was already slashed 20 percent, Luca said, adding that their calculations point to future cuts of up to 500 million lei.

Unions will also protest in the capital and picket the Labor Ministry for two hours starting noon, but also the headquarters of the two political parties, under the warning that a general strike could burst at any time.

The labor minister announced the ordinance including cuts of salaries and bonuses will not be sent to the government this week and that a new round of negotiations with the unions will take place on March 23. This week’s negotiations failed. 

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