Leftist PSD and PC alliance gets 30.82% of the votes for EP, results of 95.38% of polling stations show

After analyzing Sunday's voting results from 95.38 percent of the election stations, the PSD+PC alliance comes first with 30.82 percent of the votes and is followed by fellow ruling party PDL with 29.75 percent, informed the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) at 10 a.m.

Third come the liberals from PNL with 14.53 percent of the votes. The Hungarian minority party UDMR got 9.07 percent and far-right PRM, 8.68 percent.

Elena Basescu was elected by 4.22 percent of the voters. 

The other independent candidate, Pavel Abraham (1.02 percent), as well as PNTCD (1.46 percent) and the Civic Force (0.40 percent) did not make it above the electoral threshold and did not, consequently, qualify for the European Parliament. 

By 10 a.m. BEC had analyzed the votes from 39 county election bureaus.


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