False swine flu alarm on Romania's Targu Mures airport


Sanitary and airport authorities from the central city of Targu Mures were alerted today when a young woman who had just flown in from Madrid put in in the questionnaire given to all passengers that she had caught swine flu symptoms from a person in Barcelona.

Florin Buicu, director of the public Health Authority in Mures, declared today that it was only a false alarm, but that the young woman was thoroughly investigated. She was found to be in good health conditions and was able to go home.

The 20-year old woman arrived from Barcelona yesterday night, together with 128 other passengers. The Targu Mures airport takes over the flights of the Cluj Napoca Airport between May 1 and 6, as the latter is being repared. 

All airports in the country have enforced special security measures: all passengers receive fliers informing them on the swine flu and they have to fill in a questionnaire on their health condition. There are also medical teams on the airport premises.

The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed this morning on its website 615 cases of swine flu contamination in 15 countries, 141 of which in the United States of America and 397 in Mexico. There have been so far 17 deaths. 


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swine flu